Dr Michael Glynn
Dr Michael Glynn is a Consultant Physician with special interests in Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Endoscopy and Clinical Nutrition. He trained at Cambridge and St Mary’s qualifying in 1977 and achieving FRCP in 1993. His research into protein metabolism in patients on intravenous feeding gained him an MD from Cambridge in 1995. For his teaching expertise he was awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy in 2002. He has special clinical expertise in general Endoscopy, ERCP, therapeutic upper GI Endoscopy, Hepatology and Clinical Nutrition.
He is in demand as a medicolegal expert within the fields of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and General Medicine. Until the end of 2015 he took part in duties for Acute Medical Emergencies. Since the onset of the COVID pandemic (March 2020), Dr Glynn has stopped undertaking GI Endoscopy, and refers patients to excellent and reliable Consultant colleagues at the London Independent Hospital, for these procedures to be done.

A Hepatologist specialises in Liver Diseases. Dr Glynn's experience and expertise makes him a Hepatologist as well as a Gastroenterologist.

Endoscopic examination of the upper and lower GI tract has been performed routinely since the late 1960's.

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