More Information

Check out the useful sources below for more information.

British Society of Gastroenterology

This is the national professional body for Gastroenterologists in the UK and contributes to maintaining high standards within the profession, as well as supporting research and clinical audit. It publishes the professional journal Gut, which is one of the two most respected Gastroenterology journals in the world. It publishes authoritative Clinical Guidelines across a wide variety of gastrointestinal and liver conditions, which are available on the website.

Coeliac UK

This voluntary group run by patient supplies a very large amount of information to help patients with Coeliac Disease manage their Gluten-free diet. Gastroenterologists regard the contact with Coeliac UK, and the use of the website (or handbook) as being essential for the satisfactory self-management of Coeliac Disease.

Crohn’s and Colitis UK

This voluntary organisation has been established for a long time (previously known as the National Association for Crohn‘s and Colitis, NACC). It provides a great deal of information for patients, as well as important research and fundraising. Particularly for patients new to this disease, a great deal of information is available.


Dr Michael Glynn is available for consultations - click here for further booking information