
A Medicolegal expert with more than 20 years experience

Areas of Expertise

Dr Glynn has been preparing Medico-Legal Reports (Clinical Negligence and Personal Injury) since 1995, and now produces at least 50 reports annually. He is Instructed by Solicitors on behalf of Claimants and Defendants, as well as Coroners, NHS Trusts, Employment Tribunals and others. He does not accept private instructions directly from claimants. As well as UK cases, he has worked for Solicitors in Ireland, Gibraltar, Hong Kong and Australia. His areas of expertise for Medico-Legal reporting include General Gastroenterology, Endoscopy, Hepatology (Liver Disease), and Clinical Nutrition.


Click here for more information on Medicolegal Terms.

Medicolegal CV

Click here to see the Dr Glynn's latest Medicolegal CV.

Medicolegal initial approach

Solicitors making an initial approach should write to Dr Michael Glynn, London Independent Hospital, Beaumont Square, London E1 4NL - or use email


Dr Michael Glynn is available for consultations - click here for further booking information